Riding-ski-tool (an essential configuration of the dry slope platform)

I saw a piece of news on Wikipedia. There is a dry ski resort. A child died because he could not brake and ran out of the buffer zone at high speed. This kind of attack is the most taboo in dry ski resorts. The final result is that the dry ski resort is permanently closed.

Imagine being a one-on-one coach with his back to the hillside, assisting beginners in sliding down the hillside and teaching them how to brake. I evaluate first this as the overuse of materials and a waste of resources. Second, the efficiency is too low. It is conceivable to deal with a busload of students instead of individuals. In addition, if you are starting from scratch, if the car is moving and you don’t know where the brake pad is, you will naturally feel panicked. Many people have just started to ski and give up skiing for life after falling a few times, whether on real snow or a dry slope. This is the meaning of riding-ski. Only when every beginner is aware of braking and controlling the speed can accidents in dry ski resorts be minimized and a higher conversion rate be achieved. In the dry ski resort I run, there has not been a fatal accident in the past ten years. The riding-ski tool is so practical that Dry ski resort owners have become strongly dependent on it.

Different from the positioning of real snow resorts, when a large number of uncontrollable beginners appear in dry ski resorts, once a major accident occurs, the impact on dry ski resorts will be vast and fatal.

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